Bride & Groom with two dogs : How to include pets in your wedding ceremony.

Often our closest friends are the furry type — loving pets who have been with us for a long time. Some couples getting married want to involve their pets in their wedding ceremony.

If you are thinking of having your dog walk you down the aisle, give you away or be the ring bearer, there are a few considerations to keep in mind before the big day.

♥ Pets/animals need holding areas with adequate food/water, shade (if outside) and toileting areas.
♥ Animals should be adequately trained to obey commands and to feel comfortable with groups of people and loud noises.
♥ The animal should be conditioned to tolerate any costume or accessories they may be required to wear.
♥ The venue must give permission.
♥ The animal must not disturb or impact negatively on any native animals in the vicinity of the ceremony.  

♥ The animal would be required at a compulsory rehearsal.  

♥ A responsible adult with whom the animal is familiar should be in charge of the animal at all times.  

♥ Guests should be notified in advance that animals will be involved in the ceremony to give guests the option to prepare themselves or children or perhaps not attend until later.  

♥ Ensure no flowers or plants being used at your wedding are toxic to animals.
Bride & Groom with 2 dogs - How to include pets in your wedding ceremony.
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